Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rate Your Vengeance! God of War III Reviews are in.

The game may not have dropped yet (although you can get some serious hands-on time if you happen to be in the San Francisco area) but the reviews are everywhere. God of War III can now be considered a hit amongst gaming critics. A stop at any one of you favorite gaming sites will likely find you at a review for the game, but you're already here, right? 1up.com, IGN and Europe-based CVG all have fairly level-headed reviews that, in general, seem to agree: God of War III is awesome. Fun side note, if you have a certain amount of time you need/want to fill by reading the review, CVG has the shortest review, followed by 1up and IGN definitely has the longest.

Note that I said "in general" they seem to agree. IGN still seems to prefer GoW II, with the other two sites granting slight favor to the most recent entry. In regards to the graphics, while they all seem to agree that God of War III is absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous at times, both IGN and CVG claim that the game can range from that to pretty good. 1up, on the other hand said "the visuals almost make it worth playing on their own." The same can be said for the story with regards to how well and coherent it is as well as how it compares to the previous entries in the series. Although from the sounds of it, the ending seems to be quite the dividing factor.

The best part of all these divided opinions, though, is that they are a great excuse to play the game and see for yourself. So...you know...get on that.

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