Tuesday, February 23, 2010

God of War 3 to install only ass-kickingness, not data

(click to Spartan-size)

While the ridiculous debate over whether the unreleased God of War 3 will surpass the current king of console graphics, Uncharted 2, rages on there is one thing that both games will have in common: a lack of mandatory hard drive install.
As stated by Sony Santa Monica director of technology, Christer Ericson, via his twitter account: "God of War 3 does NOT do a HD install. The 5MB listed on box back is for save game only." This should come as a huge relief to those that started up smoking because of Metal Gear Solid 4 or just found themselves bored after the third read through of Devil May Cry 4's backstory.
Whether or not this means that God of War 3 will still manage to be devoid of load times like Uncharted 2 remains to be seen and will likely have to wait until the game's actual release. Of course, it could head in the same direction that this guy took the graphical debate and use screenshots, and even concept art, with almost nothing in common to draw conclusions that have no basis on anything other than what game the author prefers. How would you use screenshots to compare load times? I don't know, how do you compare the graphical detail in the main character's faces when one screenshot isn't close enough to show any detail? Even better, how do you compare the graphical detail in an enemy's hands when one of the screenshots doesn't show the enemy's hands?
Ah the internet, allowing opinion to pass itself off as fact ever since its invention by Al Gore...

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