Monday, January 11, 2010

Some bad news for Metal Gear movie fans.

You could always just play the games though. Maybe have some kind of narration while you're playing too. It would just be like a very long movie. I know some of you out there love this kind of stuff.
According to an interview with movie producer Mike De Luca and movie site Collider, the mission's off.
According to an interview with movie producer Mike De Luca and movie site Collider, the mission's off. Keep in mind, however, this is Hollywood we're talking about. The MGS movie could go all Watchmen on us and just lay dormant for a few years.
Apparently the movie guys and the game guys just couldn't see eye to eye, according to De Luca. From the picture De Luca paints, Kojima and his crew were very adamant on staying close to certain aspects of the games and unwilling to budge. For those of us that know Kojima-san and his games, the man basically makes movies already; and you can't have two kings in the castle.
I want to believe this could be good for the fans of the games, myself included, I can't help but wonder how much of the game's story he wants left in tact. Someone really should have the ability to rein back some of the philosophizing...and let us know a little quicker if Ocelot is just crazy or actually became possessed through a limb transplant.

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