You know, I liked the original Dead Space, but I felt like it didn't quite live up to one of its promises: the weapons.
The weapons, for the most part were definitely cool, but what happened to the ideology that your main man, Isaac Clarke, is an engineer/repairman, not a soldier? What happened to not finding your standard 3rd-person-shooter weapons and having to make do with workbench tools? I'll give credit on trying to give story context to things like having a full-on flamethrower instead of, say, a welding torch, or for the massive "boss fight/large enemy" gun but some of the stuff...just no. I mean, I'll give you the Line Gun for cutting ore or whatever, these are miners, but when is a miner going to need timed mines (ooo, I get it) that shoot out spinning lasers and dismember everything within range? So with a sequel coming out that has such cool new features as multiplayer, how about fulfilling some of that "not your standard weapons" promise? Maybe something like a nail gun? I know Extraction had the rivet gun but that doesn't quite count since A) Extraction was a side story and B) it nailed things to the wall, not enemies.
Come on guys, plenty of other games have had such weapons, even if they didn't quite make sense when you stopped to think about it, why can't Dead Space? You could even make a specific battle out of it. Have a Necromorph with body parts that make their way back to the main body and rejoin it once dismembered. That way you've gotta nail those damn pesky...appendages to the wall/floor to stop the beast. Imagine the multiplayer smack talk applications!
"OOOhhh I just cut of yo arm bitch! And now it's nailed to the wall! What now, one-armed man?"
My vision's going all slotted just thinking about it!
Of course with news on the sequel slowly trickling out, it looks like the Javelin Gun coming in DS2 may fulfill my wishes. I guess we'll see when it releases in...when it releases.
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